NM Referee Association
Local referee associations are a great way to stay up to date on new training material, find out how to get games and interact with fellow referees. You can contact your District Referee Administrator through the State Referee Association to find out if there is a referee association in your area.
As a referee, you are automatically a member of the New Mexico Soccer Referee Association, which is separate from local associations. You can keep up with events through the NMSRA website by signing up for the NMSRA newsletter (via Paul Quan) or through an interactive referee blog.
Referee Resources
USSF Referee Certification and Education Offerings:
NMYSA is proud to work with the NM State Referee Association to offer several courses annually for every level of referee, including first-time certifications for beginning referees several times each year. For an up-to-date list of referee education and certification offerings, please visit the NMSRA Upcoming Clinics. For additional information please visit the New Mexico State Referee Association website at www.nmsra.org.
Link to these addresses for the latest in international education:
Position Papers from US Soccer
YouTube Videos from US Soccer
NWRGSL Referee Certification
All NWRGSL teams are required to have a certified referee, who is expected to referee at least four matches each season (Fall and Spring are separate seasons). Our referees are certified by the United States Soccer Federation (USSF) through clinics offered periodically throughout the year by the New Mexico Soccer Referee Association (NMSRA). Referees must recertify every year to ensure knowledge of rule changes and updated guidance from USSF.
For more information about referee clinics, including schedules, please contact the League Referee Scheduler or visit the NMSRA website and click on the calendar link.
New Referees
USSF and NWRGSL recommend that new refereees begin their career with a Grade 9 certification. Grade 9 referees are allowed to center recreational games up to U14. To become a Grade 9 referee you must attend an 8-hour certification clinic. Once you have been a Grade 9 referee for at least one season, you may want to consider upgrading to Grade 8 or higher. A Grade 8 certification will allow you to referee all youth matches, both competitive and recreational, it will also allow you to referee lower division Adult games. You must enroll in and complete another 8-hour clinic to gain certification as a Grade 8 referee.
Parents of new youth referees are encouraged to watch the following video provided by USSF, whcih contains advice for managing players, coaches and sideline behavior.